Quick Operations#

Check Account Statistics#

Assumes the ENV variable FACTIVA_USERKEY is set.

from factiva.analytics import UserKey
u = UserKey(stats=True)
<class 'factiva.analytics.UserKey'>
├─key: ****************************1234
├─cloud_token: <NotLoaded>
├─account_name: <NotLoaded>
├─account_type: <NotLoaded>
├─active_product: <NotLoaded>
├─max_allowed_concurrent_extractions: 0
├─max_allowed_extracted_documents: 0
├─max_allowed_extractions: 0
├─currently_running_extractions: 0
├─total_downloaded_bytes: 0
├─total_extracted_documents: 0
├─total_extractions: 0
├─total_stream_instances: 0
├─total_stream_subscriptions: 0
│  └─<NotLoaded>
├─remaining_documents: 0
└─remaining_extractions: 0

Get Account’s Historical Full Extractions#

Uses the passed key parameter and ignores the ENV variable FACTIVA_USERKEY.

from factiva.analytics import UserKey
u = UserKey(key='abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234abcd1234')
extractions = u.get_extractions()

The variable extractions will contain a pandas.DataFrame instance with the requested data.

Get Volume Estimates With Snapshot Explain#

Assumes the ENV variable FACTIVA_USERKEY is set.

from factiva.analytics import SnapshotExplain
my_query = "publication_datetime >= '2020-01-01 00:00:00' AND LOWER(language_code) = 'en'"
my_explain = SnapshotExplain(query=my_query)
my_explain.process_explain()  # This operation can take several minutes to complete

After its execution, the object last_explain_job contains details about the job itself and the estimated volume.